The club has achieved #Shepaddles accreditation as part of our equality policy. There are a number of policies from British canoeing which are in line with our clubs fair policies where all are welcome and all treated equally.
Canoeing has always had low numbers of female paddlers not sure why? All canoe clubs I have been in have always treated all members fairly and Maldon Canoe Club are committed to this, as now proved by this accreditation assessment.
What we are doing is, monitoring photos ensuring there is no lack of recognition and a fair proportion of all groups of paddlers are shown. Making sure we welcome all paddlers.
We will look to encourage more women onto positions on the club committees and to undertake coaching awards (which we do for all members).
We will look to arrange canoe training for girl guides and other female groups as we will for male groups.
We wont run a separate ladies group within the club / nor a male only group.
So really no change other then recognition for being fair and access to some grants for coaching .
Many Thanks to Liz Cannon our #Shepaddle rep who did the work on this.
Clive ( Chairman)
Images courtesy of “THIS GIRL CAN” Spot the MCC member 🙂