Discover Touring
Touring in any form of craft allows the paddler to experience the wonders of our beautiful countryside, the majestic rivers that criss-cross this land from North to South, East to West. It’s also a great opportunity to see wildlife closeup and to experience that feeling of freedom in the outdoors.
Touring can be done in any canoe or kayak and for short or long periods at a time. For day trips, many paddlers will take a packed lunch with a drink so they can stop to soak up the surroundings. For the more adventurous an overnight camp or two may be on the agenda.
It must be understood that when paddling long distances, paddlers must use a comfortable boat that can take extra equipment. It is here that an open canoe becomes most useful.
For all our touring sessions we make sure that experienced and qualified coaches are on hand to lead and advise throughout the trips. Radios are used to keep in touch with paddlers, coaches, bank crew and other groups should the need arise.
Touring is suitable for all ages and abilities it is also a great opportunity for anyone between the ages of 14-25 to consider doing their Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition in a canoe (more details about DofE on request).
Paddle locations
There are many rivers in this country that cater for all levels of experience and ability. In the East of England these rivers are predominately flat such as the Rivers; Chelmer, Stour, Waveney, Colne and Thames. As we go further West and North the rivers cover longer distances and drop several hundred metres from source to the sea.
Training / coaches
Maldon Canoe Club are fortunate to have a number of British Canoeing qualified coaches and award providers that are on hand to offer any support they can, so you can feel comfortable and progress your development in your chosen area of canoeing/kayaking.
We also offer safety training and first aid courses. (There are fees applied for most awards/courses, so please speak to one of our coaches, who will happily talk you through the details).
Touring awards
The Touring Awards are aimed at paddlers looking to develop their skills for a safe day out on the UK’s waterways.
These awards can be taken in a variety of craft.
Watch the video to find out more about British Canoeing Awards