Angelsea Leader Week
Commencing March 14th. Please contact Clive for more information. 07795 508839
Commencing March 14th. Please contact Clive for more information. 07795 508839
March 15th@ 6:30 MCC Pool Session – Please book your pool session & kayak if required through web collect using the link bellow(a paddle and spray deck will be included). Non members are welcome up to 4 visits before...
March 29th@ 6:30 MCC Pool Session – Please book your pool session & kayak if required through web collect using the link bellow(a paddle and spray deck will be included). Non members are welcome up to 4 visits before...
Sunday 6th April. peer Paddle. Weather permitting, decision 24hrs before. H/W 740am Sunrise 6.21am. Meet at Heybridge outside Jolly Sailor 4.30 am ready to go. unload then sort out parking. Timing is crucial we must be on the water no...
13th April Sunday Bradwell:10.30am meet HW 2.07 pm. Weather dependent. 24 hours prior. We will head out from Bradwell. Unload at the slipway then park at the Marina £2. Where we go will depend on the group. Osea spit, around...
25th May, details of time to follow. This is a coaching session for all those wishing to learn or improve their paddle and rescue skills. Sea kayak, touring, crossovers all welcome Skill : All welcome. Beginner onwards, we all need...
13th June Details to follow 07795508839
15th June details to follow 07795508839
20th June More information to follow. 07795508839
29th June More information to follow 07795508839
July 26th@ 6:30 MCC Pool Session – Please book your pool session & kayak if required through web collect using the link bellow(a paddle and spray deck will be included). Non members are welcome up to 4 visits before...