- This event has passed.
Medway Paddle. Tonbridge – Yalding ( Postponed)
October 13, 2024 @ 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Apologies Postponed
This trip has been postponed due to work being carried out on the bridge and road at our get out.
An alternative is being arranged on the Stour, same date.
Medway Paddle
Sunday 13th October 2024 9.30am
Maldon Canoe Club
A repeat from last year, really good paddle and great fun shooting the slides.
On Water Leaders: Ade, Del, Judy
Route: Tonbridge – Yalding Landing . ME18 6HG ///alike.spray.alright (one way with Shuttle run)
Distance: 8.25 miles
Note: This trip paddles on water similar to our own Chelmer, just a little wider.
Water: Flat moving water on River Medway Navigation.
On Route: Six locks with canoe slides and moving water to play in. Portages around the
slides for those that prefer.
Boat Types: Open Canoes. Kayaks; touring, cross-over, white water.
Paddlers: If you are a new paddler and are unsure of whether your skill level, stamina or
equipment is suitable for this paddle, then please contact either Ade, Del, Judy to
check in advance.
Helmets must be worn if you intend to shoot the weirs.
Personal Prep: This is a winter paddle, hopefully it won’t be to cold, layer up under those dry suits. Suitable winter clothing
must be worn, The water will be cold so dress appropriately. Select your
most stylish bobble hat or beanie and don’t forget those poggies! Carry food and a hot drink
with you.
Licences: You need to be either a BCU member (please display your Number) or purchase
a licence from the following places: Allington Lock (01622 752864), Bow Bridge Marina
01622 812802), Medway Wharf Marina (01622 813927), Allington Marina (01622 752057),
Tonbridge Tourist Information Centre (01732 770929) and the Environment Agency Kent
and East Sussex Area Office (01732 223222).
The Travel Details.
Meet at 9.30am at Tonbridge in the Lower Castle Field car park (off The Slade). TN9 1HR Can get Busy, lots of local events going on so allow plenty of time.
wtw ///zeal.stocks.pops
Note: Travel time from Chelmsford will be approximately 1 hour
Parking is FREE on Sundays.
Note: If the height barrier is down on the car park then use the approach road or neighbouring
swimming pool car park.
Park near to the river slipway and be prepared. This means:
• Offload your kayak, paddling gear and provisions.
• Have your ‘end of paddle’ kit bag packed ready to leave in your car.
• Be ready to drive in convoy to the ‘get out’ at 10:00am
10:00am Leave non drivers at Tonbridge Castle Car Park and transfer cars in convoy to
Yalding Landing.
10:20am Arrive Yalding Landing and park on the road alongside the canal. Decide the
minimum number of cars that need to be used to transfer all the drivers back to the get
Be sure that everyone leaves their end of paddle dry gear in the cars that remain at
Yalding Landing.
Return all drivers to the ‘get in’ at Tonbridge in the minimum number of cars.
All paddlers now at Tonbridge. Kit up and prepare to launch.
11:00am Launch at Tonbridge. Paddle with the flow towards Yalding
On reaching the Boathouse which is next to the Yalding Landing ME18 6HG wtw ///alike.spray.alright , our ‘Get – Out’, we have
the option of taking a bite to eat and a warm drink from the Tea Pot Café before
completing our shuttle run and heading home.
Del Clark: del.kayaking@outlook.com